
The Guidance Document on the Estimation of LOD and LOQ for Measurements in the Field of Contaminants in Feed and Food

by Wenzl T; Johannes H; Schaechtele A; Robouch P; Stroka J.  Report EUR 28099 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2016, ISBN 978-92-79-61768-3, doi: 10.2787/8931, JRC102946 (LINK to the pdf file)

The authors believe that LOD and LOQ values derived from the application of the presented experimental methodologies converge to a certain degree. The following three approaches are described:

  1. Estimation of LOD via blank samples (LINK-A)
  2. Estimation of LOD via paired observations (LINK-B)
  3. Estimation of LOD via the calibration approach (LINK-C)

Furthermore, this guide recommends the following convention: xLOQ = 3.3 xLOD.


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