List of EU legislations relevant to Market Surveillance


The XLS table below presents a non-exhaustive list of harmonised legislations related to market surveillance.

The file is structured as follows:

   Column 1-3 used for sorting: Directive or Regulation, year, document number;

   4:  "unique code" of the legislation (to be reported);

   5:  Information about (i) consolidated version or (ii) repealed by (in yellow);

   6: Title of the legislation;

   7: URL link to the latest consolidated version (accessed on 20210722);

   8:  Regulatory family.

All the columns are "filtered", to allow easy sorting.

Note: Repelled Directives or Regulations (not in force) are highlighted in yellow.

You may filter by "regulatory family" (last column), select the relevant relevant legilsation and copy the "unique code" (4th column) for further use. Alternatively, you can search relevant "keywords" in the titles (text_filter / contains / ...).

Example: text_filter / contains / "refrig" ==> R-2015/1095, R-2019/2019, R-2019/2016