Case A - Estimation of MU using data obtained from routine sampes


[Reference]  S. Trapmann et al. doi:10.2760/738565, JRC120898 (!CM47Cf)

Instructions for Using the XLS Measurement Uncertainty (MU) Calculator

Follow the steps below to calculate your measurement uncertainty (MU):

  1. Specify your Measurement Unit relevant to your analysis.

  2. Determine Your Uncertainty Function:

    • Input 15 measurement results from routine samples: 6 at low content and 9 at high content.
    • Each sample must be measured twice (provide two results per sample).
  3. Calculate Your Bias:

    • Input up to 7 replicate measurement results of the reference material (RM).
    • Provide the reference value and its associated expanded uncertainty (k=2).
  4. Estimate Your Measurement Uncertainty to report (MU):

    • Input the measurement result value to estimate the MU.

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